Friday, 6 July 2007

I had a great plan to take the car to France next week. A friend is getting married near to Paris and it would be a good opportunity to go to the wedding and to try out some french vegetable oil, or "huiles végétale", as they call it over there.

Sadly, it turns out that it is illegal for a private individual to run a car on vegetable oil in France. It is only legal for companies in a limited set of circumstances, and I'm fairly sure I wouldn't easily qualify. So I'll have to find another way to get there:-(

Kenny is planning a trip around Europe in the car in a few weeks time. In the light of this new information, he is going to have to redraw his route to avoid France. That's pretty tricky, but not impossible - there are ferries from England to Belgium, for example. We need to find out about the laws in a few other countries. If anyone has any good sources of information on this, please could you get in touch?